Dear reader,
If you don’t already support the work of Amazônia Latitude, here we present five reasons to contribute to the magazine. The donations are tax-deductible in the USA, as we are accredited as 501(c)(3).
1st We value the science of the Amazon
Every week, we publish articles, critiques, and interviews with scientists from the region. Based on research on deforestation, economic development, and ancestral knowledge, we make texts available to help readers understand the multiple facets of the challenges the 21st century has brought to the largest tropical forest in the world.
2nd We produce documentaries that listen to indigenous peoples
In October 2022, we premiered the documentary “Pisar Suavemente na Terra” at the 43rd Mostra Internacional de Cinema (São Paulo International Film Festival), in São Paulo. With reports from three indigenous leaders, the film tells the story of the resistance of the native peoples against ventures of destruction. The production won the award for best photography at the 12th edition of Filmambiente – Festival Internacional de Filmes Ambientais (Filmenvironment – International Environmental Film Festival).
3rd Free access to texts
Anyone can access the magazine’s texts online. Amazônia Latitude aims to spread knowledge on the Amazon, and access to our production will remain free. The site also offers a fortnightly podcast that analyzes recent events from a scientific standpoint and a newsletter with tips on what to read to understand the region.
4th Donations will be used only to maintain the magazine
Amazônia Latitude uses the financial support of its partners with the sole purpose of keeping the magazine running, through the payment of salaries and site maintenance. The aim is not, and never will be, to generate profit for the founder or the staff.
5th We train journalists from the Amazon
In 2022, we started a pilot project with students from the Universidade Federal do Pará (Federal University of Pará) (UFPA). With the training offered by the magazine’s editors and individualized feedback on each text, the participants receive a grant to write and cover an event in the Amazon. The participants’ experience has been so positive that Amazônia Latitude intends to expand the training to other regional universities.
Your support will allow us to advance our mission: building a body of knowledge based on the people, cultures, and forests of the world’s most biodiverse region.
Donate and help us keep an attentive eye on the Amazon.
You also can mail your check to:
Amazônia Latitude Review / Marcos Colón
636 West Call Street
Claude Pepper Bldg. #232
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1121