Once More Around the Sun Looking for the Amazon…
In 2024, Amazônia Latitude completed eight years covering one of the most complex, important, and intriguing regions in the world. We are observers and witnesses...
por Da Redação
In 2024, Amazônia Latitude completed eight years covering one of the most complex, important, and intriguing regions in the world. We are observers and witnesses...
por Eliane Brum
The shameful decision of the European Commission to delay the anti-deforestation law by at least a year means the following: on your plate there will...
It was Alberto Rangel that made the phrase “Green Hell” famous. The image evoked by this trope transcended the pages of fiction and was brought...
Activists from Indigenous and Afrodescendent organisations from 22 countries across the Americas gathered in the Ecuadorian Amazon last October to attend an urgent meeting in response...
por Da Redação
On October 30 2023, the documentary Stepping Softly on the Earth (2022, 73 min) was screened at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). The session...
The Indigenous Territory Zoé¹ feeds people and not humans. Nothing leaves this territory to feed the timber, gold or other mineral industries. This territory is outside...