In search of new viewpoints and new futures, Amazônia Latitude releases it’s first printed edition

printed edition amazônia latitude
Specially selected content discusses exploration, culture, and thinking on the largest tropical rainforest in the world

Created in 2019 under the motto of making the bridge between academia and society, Amazônia Latitude Review releases its first printed edition this week. Published by the Portuguese program of Florida State University (FSU), the magazine gathers together content on environmental humanities and prioritizes interdisciplinary analysis on the Amazon and Pan-Amazônia.

From the traditional knowledge of the Krenak to a discussion with professor Rob Nixon on the ‘staggering depths’ of the Anthropocene concept, the first printed edition has selected 21 pieces published over the first two years of Amazônia Latitude.

There are 13 articles in academic or essay format, as well as a gallery on the burnings in Lábrea, in Amazonas, and interviews and reviews.

According to the founding editor of the magazine, Marcos Colón, the idea is to contribute to the Amazonian debate with the solidity that a printed version guarantees.

“Gathering names for the editorial council, and inaugurating and maintaining the site were enormous steps. After two years of the magazine, it is with great joy and much gratitude to all those that make the platform possible that we present this selection”, said the researcher, who coordinates the Portuguese program at FSU.

“The mission continues to be to broaden the critical debate on the Amazon and Pan-Amazônia from the perspective of slow seeing, which enables the investigation of long-term processes that are often not perceived in the midst of a succession of catastrophes. One of the impacts of the sucessive deforestation records, the invasions, the illegal mining, and the COVID-19 pandemic is the suffocation of thought. It is against this smokescreen that we developed our work”, he explains.


With a limited number of paper copies, the edition will be available on the site on the ‘About’ menu of the home page, or here. In addition to availability on DOI, the publication is in the Diadorim, Latindex, and DigiNole indexers, and registered under ISSN 2692-7446 (printed)/2692 7462 (online).

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