Amazonia in Five Minutes #02

problema ambiental

In the second weekly installment of Amazonia in Five Minutes, where we highlight key issues from the site along with cultural tips, listen to important points from the article “Coronavirus spreads and threatens communities in the Vale do Javari,” written by the anthropologists Almério Wadick and Rodrigo Reis. The grave risk for the territories in the Javari and other regions increases with every passing day.

As happens with information from Brazil, the official Covid-19 numbers from Indigenous territories appear to be increasingly less reliable. At the behest of Indigenous leaders, the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples’ Organizations in the Brazilian Amazon (Coiab) announced on June 15 that 76 indigenous peoples were affected by the disease, with 3,662 confirmed cases and 249 deaths among indigenous people in the Brazilian Amazon.

This week’s cultural tip is Grupo Minhas Raízes, from the Nazaré community, who sing life and plants seeds on the banks of the Madeira River. The podcast is yet another aspect of the mission of Amazônia Latitude: to expand the critical debate about the forest and to disseminate its cultural diversity, its natural wealth and its dilemmas.

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