Amazonia in Five Minutes #08

In the eighth episode of “Amazônia in Five Minutes,” our weekly podcast, we highlight the actions against Jair Bolsonaro for the genocide of indigenous peoples, filed by the Human Rights Lawyers Collective (CADHu) and the Arns Commission.
The podcast comments on what actions jurists think stand the best chance of becoming an investigation in the International Criminal Court. We also highlight the Ashaninka photo gallery that we published on Wednesday (July 22).
The cultural tip this week is a re-reading of Mestre Lucindo’s style. With electronic arrangements, Fabio Cavalcante creates a super cool remix to the track “Adeus, Morena.” You can find the work of the musician and researcher on digital platforms!
The podcast is another aspect of Amazon Latitude’s mission: to expand the critical debate about the forest and publicize its cultural, natural diversity and its dilemmas.