Amazonia in Five Minutes #09

In episode # 09 of “Amazônia in Five Minute,” our weekly podcast, we highlight the worrisome data about the murders of human rights defenders in Brazil, where 24 activists were killed in 2019 alone.
But a history of recognition of these voices is that of Professor Evandro Medeiros, from the Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará, who, although sued by the mining company Vale, had a favorable judgment in the two lawsuits he fought in court.
We also check out the narrative quixotic caboclo Evandro Carreira, an Amazonian senator who saw himself as a forest prophet. He is the central figure in the first publication of our recently released column “Roteiros da Amazônia,” created in partnership with director Jorge Bodanzky.
The cultural tip of this episode is a reinterpretation of a samba classic in a rock version made by the great singer Elza Soares, who turned 90 on June 22.