Amazonia in Five Minutes #10

problema ambiental

The tenth episode of our weekly podcast, “Amazônia in Five Minutes,” is on the air. Today we highlight an essay by the Mexican philosopher and environmentalist Enrique Leff, who says that the origin of the pandemic lies in the same irrationality that has led us to the brink of environmental collapse. You will also hear the author criticizing conservation methods adopted so far by governments and how the transformation of civilization must be based on universal respect for life.

This week’s program is dedicated to chief Aritana Yawalapiti, from Alto Xingu, one of the most influential indigenous leaders in Brazil who died on Wednesday (5) from complications caused by the new coronavirus. The case of Aritana is one of many that show Brazil’s lack of public policies to protect indigenous peoples.
We also comment on the victory of the Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (Apib) in the Supreme Federal Court, which obliges the federal government to prepare emergency plans to face and monitor the coronavirus among indigenous peoples. We also speak about the Ministry of the Environment’s decision to deliberately undermine environmental protection actions – the most recent being interrupting an operation against mining in the Munduruku Indigenous Land.

And this week you will hear the first carimbó group of formed by women, the Sereias do Mar, founded over 25 years ago by master Bijica in Vila Marapanim, Pará. with a drum on the floor, that sings about the life of a farmer and other aspects of local culture.

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